Complying Development Certificates
Complying Development is a planning scheme introduced by the NSW Government to allow standard developments to be assessed and approved under a simpler system.
The Construction Certificate Process
If your development meets specific standards in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, then you may qualify for a Complying Development Certificate (CDC). This means that you may not need to get a Development Approval from your local Council. If applicable, a CDC will include significant cost and time savings.
Complying development is a speedy approval process for straightforward residential developments. If the application meets specific criteria, it can be approved as Complying Development. The team at Home Certs are qualified to issue Complying Development Certificates for any specified Complying Development in NSW.
This includes:
- Reviewing plans and documentation for compliance with the requirements of the National Construction Code of Australia (BCA).
- Preparation and issue of a checklist addressing all documents required for our assessment.
- Reviewing Council’s and other Authorities requirements (as applicable).
- Ensuring all monies payable to council and/or other authorities (e.g. deposits) have been paid.
- As an Accredited Certifier, undertaking the required pre-approval site inspection.
- Determination and issuance of a Complying Development Certificate.
Some categories of work that are complying development:
- Construction of a new dwelling
- Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling
- Construction of a secondary dwelling
- Demolition of a building
- Swimming Pools
- Townhouse
- Villas
- Duplexes
- Shed
- Garage
- Carport
The Medium Density Housing Code
The Medium Density Housing Code introduced on 6 July 2018 allows medium density buildings such as dual occupancies, manor houses and multi-dwelling houses (terraces) to be approved as Complying Development.
Land based exclusions such as heritage, bushfire or flood control may prevent complying development for your property. The first and most essential step is to obtain a Section 10.7 Planning Certificate from your local council to understand if any restrictions apply to your land.
Home Certs engage an expert town planner to assess and provide advice in regard to this Code. It’s a very risky process for the inexperienced and Home Certs ensure you are issued with a valid planning approval. (Non-compliant complying development certificates are at the top of the disciplinary action list of the NSW government).